Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fibers I've been spinning

I've been spinning some wool that I got in a grap bag from Earthguild.(NAYY)
I also want to spin up some Wensleydale(I think) that also came in the same bag.

On an unfibery topic, I work at our local library and we are starting to build our new one!. This has been an ongoing project for many years. At least, trying to find property, raising the money, etc. has been, but now it's finally happening. We will have more than twice the room, which is wonderful.

1 comment:

Fiberjoy said...

I just sent you a long email about joining the weekend_whirls which was bounced back. We'd love to have you join. If you set up a username with LJ and email it to me, along with a functioning email addy then I'll get you on board.

Wanda aka Fiberjoy